Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ford Pardons Nixon!!!

So the papers and the blogs are filled with how history will judge Gerald Ford. Here's how - He was a cipher who denied America and the world a lesson in democracy and civics by pardoning an ex-President who should have gone on trial for his crimes. There's a direct line from the pardon of Nixon to the boorish, yahoo behavior of Bush the Lesser. Had Nixon gone to trial perhaps future leaders of America would have thought twice before embarking on their cowboy antics. And never forget, the only man who voted for Gerald Ford was that same disgraced Nixon. Or as I like to call him, "Richard Nixon, the only man ever to resign as President of the United States." Any time we can push that spike deeper in Nixon's dusty heart, we should do it.
With the year waning I thought I'd mention my bests for the year:
Book - The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I didn't think anything could be as brutal and beautifully written as his Blood Meridian, but The Road is post-apocalyptic fiction at its best and most brutal. It also has my favorite line of the year - "When he went back to the fire he knelt and smoothed her hair as she slept and he said if he were God he would have made the world just so and no different." Perfect. I've thought about the four women in my life I could've said that about. Each time it makes me smile. Perfect.
Movie - Children of Men. Hmmm, a theme here? Post-apocalyptic future? What a movie. Cuaron is a genius. And his Mexican compatriots, Del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth is a close second) and Inarittu (Babel, amazingly compelling) are simply the best and most challenging directors working in movies today.
Music - Kids in America by The Hold Steady. Literate, writerly, poetic. If you like words to go with your power chords, this is the music for you. Lots of words.
Artist - Zak Smith. A remarkable sense of color, his love for women jumps off the page. And I don't own a piece of his. New Year's Resolution - Must get piece by Zak Smith. Hopefully a piece from 100 Women, 100 Octopuses. What a great name for a show. What great pictures.
TV Show - Countdown with Keith Olbermann. The conscience of a nation, Keith loves democracy and Fred Merkle. How's that for the world's lamest personal ad. But God, is he good. I've loved him since he was part of the best twosome ever on ESPN when he teamed with Dan Patrick. Compare Keith with the frat-boy fatuousness of Stewart Scott, who BTW, is as uncool as the side of the pillow we sleep on. Booyah! that!
Magazine - The Believer. If they just published the two-page charts I'd buy the magazine. But each month renews my faith in good writing. I remain a Believer. Juxtapoz is right up there for me. But ease up on the tattoos and the tikis. There are those of us who don't need sleeves or Chinese characters on our necks to make a statement. And tikis? Pacific-Islanders don't even like tikis. Trader Vic likes Tikis. Been to Trader Vic's lately? Oh, not 85? Ohhhh....
Quote - War is over if you want it. (Since we're trying to live up to Cormac McCarthy's fiction, this quote works every year. Sadly.)
Write if you get work.


Stephanie Lynn said...

the road? oh god, no! ewww...

Anonymous said...

Now I have yet another book to read movie to see and CD to buy. I am trying to save money here so can I borrow the book rent the movie and have you burn me the CD?

Anonymous said...

Castro, Castro, Castro...Your criticism of a strong executive branch is tiresome. I just finished a biography on Andrew Jackson. There was a man who knew how to run the country. He didn't let little things like - congress or the supreme court stop him. If he wanted land, he took it. It was Henry Clay who turned out to be the foot note in history. Accept the strong executive or you will become the Henry Clay of the 21st century.