Wednesday, January 10, 2007

21st Century Sabre-rattling

Isn't it sad that here we are in 2007 and we've got a delusional President who wasn't satisfied with just destroying our Constitution and completely destabilizing the Middle East, but he's actively rattling sabres and letting us know that Iran and Syria are next? That's what was just said in the speech tonight. And we should all be very, very worried.
And I'm sorry, hearing a man say for whatever mistakes have been made, I am responsible, isn't enough. He's got to say just what those mistakes were. And then he can own them. But "mistakes" is a meaningless word when applied to the brutal insanity that is the war in Iraq.
Thoughts on watching MSNBC - Olbermann is in fine form and he loves to use the quotes of Bush against him as he frames his questions. He relishes rehashing and repeating the lame quotes and platitudes that mean nothing. A great way to keep the focus on the actual words that were said.
Pat Buchanan, the man who wrote the Bitburg speech for Reagan, is clearly a bully. He raises his voice to interrupt and drown out Ariana Huffington, to interrupt Michael Crowley, to impose his will. Clearly a bully. He also does something that Republicans are great at, which is framing the argument. He asks, If the Democrats are against this war why don't they just stop funding it? Well, the Democrats have already said that they will do everything in their power to not fund anything new but will continue to fund the folks on the ground now. That is the Democratic position. By responding to his overly dramatic line of questioning, he gets to define things. Don't fall for it.
We are clearly a Saudi client state, keeping Iraqi oil in the ground so Saudi oil can stay high. The Saudis have warned us, warned us, that if we leave they will help their Sunni brethren. And the Iranians will help their Shia brethren. And should our soldiers and Marines start a shooting war with the Mahdi Army, Sadr's militia, we are in for true hell because then the regular man in the Shia street will pick up the gun and start aiming it at our guys. And with the Shia 70% of the country, we are asking for hell.
Someone should ask the President if there are going to be permanent American miliitary bases in Iraq? As in forever. And for what purpose. What is in our best interest? Or what is in the best interests of the Saudis?
Joe Scarborough is an honorable man. He is an American first and a Republican, old-school, second. That cannot be said of this current crop. They are Republicans first. We saw this with Katrina. And we have seen it for 4 years with this phony war. Not to forget tax-cuts for the rich. Pat Buchanan is a Republican. He would have no problem slamming the doors shut on the cattle cars filled with anyone in this country not like him.
Never forget what John Lennon said - War is over if you want it.

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