Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Doomsday Clock is Ticking

So the other day the scientists who keep the time on the Doomsday Clock (and that's surely a fun place to go to work each day, don't you think) moved the hands another minute closer to midnight. The Bush Administration now holds the incredibly dubious and frightening distinction of being in office while the clock was moved ahead twice - global warming, the invasion of Iraq, the coming invasion of Iran - all contributed to a quicker approach to planetary extinction. Stan Lee at Marvel Comics, who gave us a small TV remote-sized gizmo called the Ultimate Nulllifier which when turned on stopped life, time, and any other nouns that also work as magazine names, AND Galactus, Eater of Worlds (big guy, giant purple helmet, and he employs the Silver Surfer, prior to South Park's Toweley, the character most likely created while under the influence of heavy narcotics), had nothing on the Man who is still not my President, George the Worst. Because the life and time that are going to stop are ours, along with the planet. I think it is time to consider the doomsday scenarios that could occur if, as Darth Cheney says, we leave Iraq. Or the Doomsday scenarios that could occur if we stay in Iraq. Isn't this what they do at Dept. of Defense funded think-tanks? Again, think they're talking about last night's Dancing with the Stars around that watercooler? Or are they discussing what our response would be if radicals, insurgents, or just plain bad guys of any stripe, somehow got Sarin gas or a nuclear suitcase onto the set of the O'Reilly Factor?
So what do we do if:
Saudi Arabia enters the Iraq War to help their Sunni brethren.
Iran enters the war to help their Shia brothers.
While insanity reigns supreme in Iraq, Israel launches a preemptive strike against the Iran nuclear facilities.
Iran responds to Israel with prolonged missile attacks from inside Iran and unleashes Hezbollah and the Iranian military.
Syria joins with Iran in attacking Israel with conventional weapons.
Israel, fearing for their survival as a people and a nation, goes nuclear - Teheran, Damascus, Riyadh?, Mecca? Medina?
What does Russia do if all or any of this goes down?
What does the Man in the White Tower (apologies to Phiip K. Dick, a visionary and paranoid genius), our own Worst President Ever, do?
Remember when Bush said he saw into Putin's soul?
What's to stop these two soulless wonders from realizing that further dependence on Middle Eastern oil is insane (in our case) and having perpetually warring Muslim factions in the Middle East combined with growing radicalized Muslim populations in the former Soviet republics where they actually have oil (in Russia's case), and going in together on their own Mother of all Preemptive strikes and destroy the oild fields of the entire region, thus making North Sea Oil, American oil, and Russian Republic oil, the new standard and the new OPEC. It will not be hard to marginalize Venezuela with the Middle East out of the way. Basically creating Russian/European/American dominance of the world's oil supply, the end of Arab (read: Muslim) influence in world affairs, and a return to 19th century geopolitics.
God, I sound like Karl Rove. But seriously, what if? What is coming three steps after the next step? What is going to happen when the next thing happens? What if the Doomsday Clock starts spinning wildly?
I think we need to be in the streets now. I think we need a general strike in this country if Bush attacks Iran. And by general strike, I mean the European model general strike - students don't go to school, workers don't go to work. We stop doing what we normally do to show our horror at what's being done in our name. We take back our country by bringing business and progress and education to their knees. And we do it for as long as it takes as we say, WAR IS OVER CAUSE WE WANT IT.
No more if we want it. Not even when we want it. Now.

1 comment:

Inna said...

Ah. And I remember a few years back when you would have written a very different post on the subject.